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Getting the Words Right (To and From Rome)

(Washington, DC and Rome) On her recent visit to Rome, Judie Brown, cofounder and president of American Life League, met with Vatican officials to discuss the changing pro-life landscape in America. Central to the discussions was the intentional manipulation of words and definitions that allows abortion advocates to distort official Church statements and confuse Catholics.

Dignitas Personae is the most recent example—our enemies turn around and say even the Church doesn’t believe there’s life before implantation,” Brown explained to Edward Pentin of ZENIT, a Rome-based nonprofit international news agency dedicated to the Catholic Church’s message and social doctrine. “In America, conception was purposefully re-defined in 1965 from its commonsense and historical biological definition to mean implantation instead. Church officials must be clear that when the word conception is used, it means the ‘biological beginning of a person.’”

While in Rome, Brown covered a wide range of topics including America’s growing pro-life youth movement, ad hominem attacks on pro-life Catholics, and the ramifications of a “culture-of-death president.”

“We have every reason to be optimistic. But, all Catholics must stand up and be Catholic even when it’s uncomfortable. Silence is our enemy,” Brown concluded.

Media inquiries, please contact Paul E. Rondeau at 540-659-4942 or
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