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A Charity Familiar to the Christmas Season Tolerates Killing

Charitable organizations rely a lot on the charity of their supporters. Not only do they rely on monetary gifts, they rely on supporters to post images and testimonies of their charitable acts to help spread awareness.

How many videos did we see of the Ice Bucket Challenge or of someone posting a selfie wearing pink clothes? At Christmastime, you’re more likely to see those familiar red buckets. In fact, the Salvation Army encourages the use of #RedBucket on social media to remind followers that people are out and about ringing bells and collecting loose change.

If the billion-dollar global organization were part of advancing the culture of life, we would feel good about supporting it. The Salvation Army claims to be a Christian organization that “believes in the sanctity of all human life and considers each person to be of infinite value and each life a gift from God to be cherished, nurtured and redeemed. Human life is sacred because it is made in the image of God and has an eternal destiny.”

It states openly on its website that exceptions to killing preborn babies can be made. We created the image below outlining its stated position:


Hey, Salvation Army, are children who come into existence through violent means not to be cherished as gifts from God? Apparently, the sanctity of human beings is limited to preborn children who don’t have a deformity or a criminal father.

Remember that the next time you hear the endless ding-a-ling-a-ling of the Salvation Army bell. In the meantime, right-click and save the image above to your device. Then share it to your own social media account if you see someone you follow online posting support for the Salvation Army. They deserve to know the truth.