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Making Babies without God

Catholic bishops in Poland do not mince words when it comes to sending a clear message on a subject as fundamental to Catholic teaching as the practice of making babies by artificial methods. Recently, when Polish lawmakers chose to debate a proposal regarding this matter, “the Polish bishops conference issued a strong statement on the moral dangers of artificial procreation techniques like in vitro fertilization and so-called ‘surrogacy.’”

Poland’s Catholic bishops pointed out that good can never be achieved by using evil means. According to LifeSiteNews, “The bishops called politicians to ‘fidelity to Christ and the teaching of the Catholic Church,’ and added that ‘in matters of faith and morals, there is no question of any compromise.’” By contrast, in the United States, we dare say few Catholics realize that the Catholic Church is even opposed to IVF or surrogacy. Surely the bishops are aware that in vitro fertilization produces the embryos that are implanted into a surrogate. And surely the bishops should feel compelled to instruct the faithful that no Catholic can be involved in any way with IVF, including surrogacy or other evil methods resulting from this procedure.

Since this has not been the practice of many American bishops and priests over the past 35 years and counting, it is high time they started picking up the slack. Cardinal Timothy Dolan himself admitted on Meet the Press in 2013 that, in his nearly 37 years as a priest, he has NEVER preached on these matters. Why not?

Isn’t teaching truth obligatory for ordained Catholic priests?

Today’s headlines make it abundantly clear that the hour is late and the bishops are falling way behind in their obligation to protect the faithful from the devil and his cronies.

Just think about a few recent headlines. These should jar even the apathetic into some sort of cognizance regarding the disconnect between right reason and clinical practices. This headline: “Surrogacy firms are selling ‘extra’ babies on the black market to the highest bidder” is just one such shocker among many. We also learn that, in some countries, parents travel to distant places so they can buy female ova in order to satiate their desire for a child of their own: “In countries where ova sale is prohibited, hormones may be administered in the home country to the women who are then flown to a second country where their eggs are harvested, fertilized, and inserted in the receiving woman’s uterus.”

Then we hear tragic stories as well, including one about a 13-year-old Indian girl who was sold into slavery and then forced by human traffickers to act as a surrogate mother and deliver six children. Sadly, this story went largely unnoticed by mainstream media. And, while the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops makes statements in opposition to “human trafficking,” it has not weighed in on the case of this Indian girl or countless other reports of human trafficking involving surrogacy.

Practices of evil like these have no boundaries unless moral lines are drawn in the cultural sand. And if the Catholic hierarchy is not leading this effort by drawing those lines, who will?

Let’s draw a word picture that defines the situation today.

It all started with in vitro fertilization—a practice honed and perfected to a certain degree by biologist Robert Edwards and Patrick Steptoe, M.D. Their success led to, among other things, a Nobel Peace Prize, even though their “science” opened a huge can of worms. IVF led to surrogate motherhood, of course, as every IVF process results in extra embryos that are tested for possible defects and then either frozen, tossed, or used in some sort of experiment. Alternatively, extra embryos can be implanted in a woman who will carry someone else’s child until birth occurs.

Today, surrogacy has become mainstreamed and has even been the plot of comedy shows on television—one more example of media hype geared to normalize the adoption of children by same sex couples and to treat babies as a commodity that can be purchased at will. However, none of this justifies IVF—a practice that makes babies without God.

In addition to staying close to God in prayer, we must educate, not only ourselves, but our family and friends as well. Below are some ways to do these things:


Read Catholic teaching, specifically Donum Vitae, so that you understand the reasons why in vitro fertilization and its progeny are fundamental requisites of the culture of death’s agenda.

“Anyone who has faced the cross of infertility, endured a miscarriage, or suffered through a stillbirth knows firsthand the kind of suffering endured in these most difficult moments of life. Having recently borne one of these crosses, I know the value of compassion, support, and prayers offered by loved ones and strangers alike. But I also know how vital it is to respond to the cross we bear in a way that is in accord with human nature, honors marriage, and respects the rights and dignity of children.” – Arland Nichols, founding president of the John Paul II Foundation for Life and Family.

Ask your bishop and your priest to start teaching the fundamental doctrines related to the procreation of children within marriage versus the evil actions advocated by those who promote IVF.

Recite the Mary, Undoer of Knots Novena for the intentions of American Catholic bishops.