By Jim Sedlak
From the first years of STOPP’s existence, we have been actively fighting Planned Parenthood’s sexuality education programs. Planned Parenthood Federation of America even identified us in 1993 as one of the 15 “most active” fighters against PP sex education programs. As we’ve documented time and time again, the intent of these programs is to teach children how to obtain sexual satisfaction before marriage. They also create a great deal of revenue for Planned Parenthood, as the young people buy birth control products as part of their sex lives.
Troubling news came out of California this week when the Yurok Tribe announced that Planned Parenthood Northern California was going to be remotely teaching their children a sex education program. The post on Facebook was:

The Making Proud Choices program from ETR Associates (a group with links to Planned Parenthood) has been controversial throughout the nation for several years. Among the concerns about the Proud Choices program were the items enumerated in an article printed in the Telegram & Gazette in Worcester, Massachusetts:
The chairman of the Standing Committee on Teaching, Learning and Students questioned its seemingly overly liberal approach towards sex, as well as its graphic presentation of subjects like condom use, intercourse, and masturbation. He cited a suggested exercise in the curriculum that attempted to promote use of prophylactics during sex, for example, by proposing students “act sexy/sensual while putting on the condom,” or “hide a condom on your body and ask your partner to find it. He also said the program’s discussion of the health benefits of masturbation could be insensitive to families whose cultural or religious background frowns upon the practice.
The fact that the tribal health and human services department would choose this program to give to their children is disturbing. Equally disturbing is the fact that it has chosen Planned Parenthood to present the program to the children.
On its website, the Yurok Youth description includes the statement: “Yurok Youth teaches traditional values and uses cultural activities to help young people choose healthy and productive lifestyles.” It also states that “the Yurok Youth Programs will be offering one on one and group sessions for Self Esteem Building, Teen Pregnancy Prevention, Alcohol abuse, Dating Violence and Meth Prevention.”
Given these objectives, it is alarming that the Tribal Assistance for Needy Families has chosen a program that teaches children as young as 11 about masturbation and enjoying sexual activities. Also, given the fact that Planned Parenthood has never been able to show that its programs prevent teen pregnancy, the choice of PP as the organization in charge of the programs is frightening.
Planned Parenthood has always known that getting kids involved in sex education programs is the best way to increase sales of its birth control products and, eventually, increase its abortion business. The fact that TANF and Planned Parenthood are willing to pay Yurok children to take this course is further testimony to these facts.
We ask our readers to respectfully contact the Tribal Council Members and ask them to reconsider the tribe’s involvement with Planned Parenthood. Please pray that the council can put a halt to Planned Parenthood’s attack on their youngest members.
Jim Sedlak is executive director of American Life League, founder of STOPP International, and host of a weekly talk show on the Radio Maria Network. He has been successfully fighting Planned Parenthood since 1985.