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Faith Lessons from Santa

By Kurt Kondrich

Recently my beautiful 11-year-old daughter Chloe Emmanuel who has Down syndrome met with Santa Claus when he drove through our neighborhood on a fire truck. Chloe was very excited to see her friend from the North Pole, and she made sure Santa knew she wanted books about the movie Frozen this Christmas. Chloe has led our family on an incredible journey since her birth in 2003, and the seeds she has planted really shined in 2014. 

I learned after Chloe’s birth that [more than] 90 percent of children diagnosed prenatally with Down syndrome are targeted and terminated because they are seen as “defective” and a “burden” to families. During her 11 years on this earth Chloe has brought nothing but joy, happiness, and light to a world that has embraced death, depravity, and darkness, and our culture desperately needs more people like her. Chloe has no evil or malice in her heart, and she will never intentionally hurt or offend anyone. As a former police officer I made it my LIFE mission to defend and protect these children and ensure that people focus on their ABILITIES and amazing beauty. This loud advocacy led to the signing of the Pennsylvania Down Syndrome Prenatal Education Act (Chloe’s Law) in 2014, and now families expecting a child like Chloe will receive positive, factual, and supportive information—PRICELESS! Even Santa knows that we should “embrace and not erase” children with Down syndrome!

Because of her innocence, purity, and unconditional love, Chloe will always believe in Santa, and during this season of miracles we all could use that type of faith! Chloe’s middle name is Emmanuel which means “God is with us,” and as we celebrate on Christmas that “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us” I can honestly testify that Chloe has given me and countless others a glimpse of heaven that Jesus has prepared for all who accept Him. Make it your top priority in 2015 to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, and only He will give you the eternal security and peace you long for.

Kurt Kondrich is the father of a beautiful daughter who was born with Down syndrome, and she is a priceless blessing to his family and community. When he became aware of the more than 90 percent abortion rate for children diagnosed with Down syndrome in the womb, he embarked on a mission to be a loud voice for children like Chloe to make sure people see abilities and what a precious gift these individuals are. He speaks frequently to policymakers, community groups, students, and church leaders about the silent prenatal eugenic movement against children diagnosed prenatally with Down syndrome, and he is passionate about spreading the truth in a culture that has embraced death, deception, and depravity.  

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