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Countering Pro-Abortion Arguments 16

“The state cannot force a woman to complete or terminate a pregnancy.” Pro-aborts like this; claim the language frames their cause as a “classic conservative issue (position)” i.e., noninterference, nonregulatory.

  • If left to nature, the completion and termination of a pregnancy are synonymous (barring miscarriage). Thus, a pregnancy naturally terminates upon completion. In fact, the prohibition of abortion does not force or intervene; on the contrary, prohibition merely allows “nature to take its course,” while simultaneously protecting innocent human beings threatened by the forceful intervention of induced abortion.
  • Contrast:
    Abortion is the artificial, forcible, premature termination of a pregnancy with the express purpose of intentionally killing innocent human life.Childbirth is the natural, unforced, mature termination of a pregnancy with the (natural) intent of promulgating human life.The “complete or terminate” language in the proposed NARAL language cited above ignores the specific consequences and repercussions of each course of action. This, in spite of the fact that the two courses of action, in respect to consequences and intent, are diametrically opposed!”Complete or terminate” really says that both actions are equally moral; thus setting up a moral equivalence between abortion and childbirth. One can justifiably ask: “One action (seeks and) destroys life, the other (saves and) protects life. Where’s the moral equivalence? “Additionally, in Webster the Supreme Court said that a state is within its rights to prefer childbirth over abortion.
  • Pregnant means “with child.” It is therefore required that every pregnancy end in one of two ways: childbirth or childdeath. When NARAL speaks of “complete or terminate,” childbirth (i.e. life) and childdeath (i.e. abortion) is what they link together as equally valid choices.