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Abortion: How Much Do You Know? (Question 4)

Will abortion increase your risk of breast cancer?

Yes! The World Conference on Breast Cancer acknowledges the link between abortion and breast cancer.

  • Today, women in general are exposed to higher levels of estrogen during their lifetime than was the case in previous generations. It is believed that women now face excess levels of both natural and synthetic estrogens, increasing their risk of breast cancer. Prolonged use of the birth control pills, late or lack of pregnancies, and breast-feeding, induced termination of pregnancies … are all cited as risk factors for increased estrogens and breast cancer.” 1-1997 World Conference on Breast Cancer Global Action
    Plan Report, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, 1998, p.15

  • Eleven out of twelve case-control studies of US women?of African, Asian and European ancestry?show increased risk of breast cancer in women who chose abortion (eight with statistical significance).Twenty-five out of thirty-one worldwide case-control and cohort studies show increased risk.-Abortion-Breast Cancer Quarterly Update
    Dr. Joel Brind, 1999.

  • A woman who had an abortion in the first trimester of her first pregnancy, whether it was spontaneous or induced, is two and one-half times more likely to develop breast cancer. When conception occurs, hormonal changes influence the breast. The milk duct network grows quickly to form other networks that will ultimately produce milk. During this period of tremendous growth and development, breast cells are undergoing great change and are immature or “undifferentiated” hence, they are more susceptible to carcinogens. But, when a first full-term pregnancy is completed, hormonal changes reduce the risk of outside carcinogen influence. When a termination occurs in the first trimester, there are no protective effects, and many of the rapidly dividing cells of the breast are left in transitional states. It is in these transitional states of high proliferation and undifferentiation that these cells can undergo transformation to cancer cells.-Breast Health, Dr. Charles Simone, p. 147