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The Persecution of Sister Jane Dominic Laurel

Teaching the truths about homosexuality, chastity, adultery, and how God wants us to live our lives is not always an easy thing to do. Nor is living that life. But God asks that we do our best nevertheless, for our ultimate goal is eternity with Him. We cannot plead ignorance. We cannot justify that we chose otherwise. God’s word is the truth, and though some may try to silence those who tell the truth, it doesn’t change the facts.

The Crude World of Baby Making

Once thought of as blessings from God, babies are now merely commodities possessions to be tinkered with at whim. And, when they aren’t wanted, or when something goes wrong, we just discard them like trash and start over. Catholic clergy have spoken about this tragedy that has befallen our society, but not enough have used their voices, nor have they spoken loudly enough. We cannot sit back and watch this calamity unfold. It is time for them all to speak loudly.

What Did You Think Would Happen?

By Hugh R. Brown
It’s ironic to watch the American Catholic bishops and our Church being devoured by those they fear, by the very people whose potential scorn and criticism have such power over so many of these men that the very thought of being labeled or persecuted by them seems to frighten them into practically abandoning Christ.

Can You Spell Insane?

The United States Department of Education (DOE) is investigating a junior ROTC instructor who is reported to have said that the Bible condemns homosexuality.

Delusions in the Archdiocese of Boston

Judie Brown, president and cofounder of American Life League, issued a public statement regarding the most recent announcement from Boston’s St. Cecelia’s Church that the archdiocese of Boston had given permission to reschedule a Mass intended to celebrate LGBT pride.

Contraception: The Bacteria Devouring America’s Soul

Having seen an inordinate number of eloquent commentaries delineating the moral evils of the recent United States District Court decision nullifying the will of California voters on Proposition 8, which banned same-sex marriage, I am nonetheless left wondering why none of the commentators was able to connect the dots.