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Building a culture of life, one student at a time

Components of the Program

The Culture of Life Studies Program (CLSP) consists of five levels broken down by various grades, plus additional multimedia  supplements.

Beginning their studies in Life Primer, students learn how God creates each human being to be unique, valuable, and deserving of respect regardless of age, race, size, background, or ability. In middle school, students continue their studies of the basic principles of the gospel of life in the Life Connections, Life Quest, and Life Foundations series by examining age-appropriate pro-life topics in literature, history, science, and religion.

When students reach high school, more emphasis is placed on evangelization and communication through critical thinking and hands-on activities in Life Lens and Life Scope. Where Life Lens studies a specific text, moment in history, or Church document in great detail through a written supplement, Life Scope presents information through multimedia outlets and challenges students to use media tools to proclaim the gospel of life.


P.O. Box 6170
Falmouth, VA 22403